Enhanced Homes For The Homeless Recap
This is for those who have an iPod with a color display. It will show you the pictures as I talk about them. Otherwise, it's the same as the previous podcast. ATTENTION!!! - I loose my voice right in the middle of this podcast and it is rather entertaining!! I had the privilege of going down to Reynosa Mexico last Thursday and seeing first hand what "Homes For The Homeless" is all about. This was my first time to go down and actually see it in action. While I've seen tons of pictures, you really don't get a good handle on what's going on without witnessing it live. So for Encounter tonight I decided to give a little recap of our trip, show some photos, cast some vision, and try to inspire people that we can make a difference wherever we are. If you want to follow along, you can view the slides, in order, here ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/mutematt/82397504/in/set-1760332/ ). Just copy and paste the link into your browser. The message part of tonight was called "1 verse. 1 thought" The verse was Matthew 5:5 from The Message Bible. The thought was that whoever we are and wherever we come from, whatever our backgrounds might be, there is always someone we can bless. There will always bee someone around who needs a fresh touch from Jesus, and you just may be the only one who can give it to them. It's our responsibility to open our eyes, and see the needy and hurting in our every day lives, and then take action and do something about it. Podcast Audio
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